How green Am I??

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007 | Publicado por Sara en 3:54 0 comentarios
Is a Celta's party.
That's start in England and Is celebrate the 31 night of October.
Is typical disguise of a thing of scary and go to the house of the people and say: Trick or Treating, if adults choose trick the childrens do a bad thing in their house but they choose treating they has a recompense, money or sweets. The Halloween's day is celebrate because the next day is the Sant's day. The party comes of Europe but now is celebrate more in America
Too the people has pumpiks and put a candel inside, and eat candy apple and more sweets. Is a good party and I going to celebrate this year.
A lot of people like this because the recompense is vey delicious!!
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007 | Publicado por Sara en 1:06 0 comentarios
Interchange With Estonia!!
sábado, 13 de octubre de 2007 | Publicado por Sara en 3:39 0 comentarios
My First Entry
I am 12 years old my birthday is in April.
I have one brother, his name is Rubén he is fifteen years old.
My dad is Venancio and is forty-six.
I like dance and sing.
miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007 | Publicado por Sara en 10:36 1 comentarios
Etiquetas: My First Entry