Social Nets

Social Nets, is something that nowadays everyone can use, but it's specially used by teenagers.

In the one hand, social nets, are good, because you can communicate better with your friends, without the need to spend money, as for example, a call by a mobile phone. Also, if you have much free time, you can spend it watching the pictures of your friends. Some social nets, have games, and is a very enjoying way to show your friends habilities playing, for example, the aquario.

On the other hand, you have to be careful, because, how everybody can use it, maybe, can take your pictures and do a bay use, fortunatelly, some of thats nets offer privacity. Other bad thing, is that sometimes it is addictive, and you use your time for looking it and don't do your homework or don't study for your exams.

My conclusion is that socials nets are fine if you know how to use them, because if you don't know all their disadvantages it can be dangerous.

Niagara Falls

This summer I travel to Nigara falls (Canada). There are two falls, the first one part to USA, is divided in two: fall of New York and Bridal veil Falls. It measure 56 metres of height.
The second one is in Ontario's province. They are more impressive than the americans but ther mesure 52 meters.
That point is very touristic, you can do a cruise on the nigara's river and be below the falls. Another options is go walking on a wood walkways that every winter they broke by the cold.
A legend said that the first human in plunge over the falls was Lelawala, a woman who don't want to get married with the most horrible and the eldest indian of the tribe, so she go with her canoe and kill herself.
When Nigara begin to be a touristic place, the name of the boat that do the cruise was Lelawala, in her honor.

Moors and Cristians

The Moors and Christians is a typical party fromPaterna.

They represent the battles for the conquest of València.
The 22th they do the ''great moors night'' and that night all the differents costumed groups moors from Paterna parade, either a group of pirates.There is also a costumed captain group (this year was Abbasies), who hires several performances like: bellys dancers group, camels, elephants...
The 23th was the ''great christians night'' where besides the christians groups parade ''els trabuquers'' they carry guns and shot firecrackers with them. This year the captain christian groups was ''Arqueras'' a costumed group consisting only of women, her performances were really
originals like: a couple of little stories, a lot of dances, wizards...

Summer Camp Olocau

This summer I went to a summer camp in Olocau, in Valencia.
I really liked it, because it was very complete. We made a lot of activities in the morning, to clean up the camp, then we had the breakfast, and after that we made sport activities like: hood, climbing wall, ride horses, treasure hunts, canoeing...
The camp instrucctors were fabouls because, besides being fun the help you all the time, and the teenagers that were there too.
I went with my friends Paula luis and Sara cardós, and we met other people in the room, because we stay in a cabin with seven girls more. I met a lot os people, because they were people from Albacete, Valencia, Madrid...
I love that summer camp and I hope that I can go back the next year!

EuroRevue 2009

EuroRevue: That project is about European children who do an interchange with another countries from Europe (Dinamarc, Hollan, Germany, Spain...). Oude Pekela (Holland) is the way we do it this year. Every school mades a performance and has to show it to the other children.

· The Wednesday: was first day we met the family we are going to live. 
· The Thursday: we went to school to do workshops, it was very variety, you could do from street and break dance lessons or painting. While three people from each country was cooking something typical from there and we after eat it. In the evening-night we were showing our performance.
· The Friday: we do sport activities, it was funny and enjoying. We play bowling, we swim and do a lot of different sports. It was the day with the family, so we went to a shopping centre with friends. And after, at night it was the disco!
· The Saturday: we went to the Walibi world, it was amazing. It has a lot of rollercoaster and water attractions. In the evening some people do a little party a barbecue.

That's the compilation video of the performances.

Present Perfect

The present perfect is used to talk about an action that started in the past and it continues to now. The sentences is formed with: sub + verb auxiliar (have) + verb (past participle)

Positive: I have seen that film
Negative: I haven't seen that film
Interrogative: Have you seen that film?

To complement the sentence we used the words: just, still, already and yet.
